Age-Friendly Ambassadors


The Age-Friendly Ambassador Programis an opportunity to learn about what “age-friendly” means and what strategies can help make communities more livable. An age-friendly online training will provide more information and resources and prepare you to advocate for older adults wants and needs in the community.

This will be an asset to religious, civic, and community organizations you belong to (or others you may want to join) because you will be able to help the groups better include older adults and consider their needs.

To sign up to be notified when the training is available or for more information, please complete the form below or


Fill out my online form.

Lead Agencies

Our partners include the following lead agencies: AARP Florida, Alliance for Aging, Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County, Health Foundation of South Florida, Miami-Dade County, Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization, United Way of Miami-Dade, and Urban Health Partnerships.

aarp fl (2) - Miami elderly community
d-alliance-for-aging-inc-logo - age friendly communities in miami florida
Florida Health miami-dade chd_clr-small49 - age friendly communities in miami florida
Health-Foundation-of-South-Florida - age friendly communities in miami florida
miami_dade - age friendly communities in miami florida
MDTPO 2017 Logo JPG black-small - Miami elderly community
UW Miami - age friendly communities in miami florida
uhp- Miami elderly community
Copyright © Miami-Dade Age-Friendly Initiative.