We’re updating our asset map to show where older people can find fun places, get help, and join in activities in our community. We want to show places like centers where seniors meet, libraries, parks, and help with health care. We also want to include groups where older people can make friends, learn new things, and help out. We need your help! If you know a place or a service that is good for older people, please tell us by completing the short form below. Let’s make our community a great place for older people to enjoy and find the help they need.
Questions? You can email us at agefriendly@urbanhp.org.
Our partners include the following lead agencies: AARP Florida, Alliance for Aging, Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County, Health Foundation of South Florida, Miami-Dade County, Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization, United Way of Miami-Dade, and Urban Health Partnerships.