National Aging and Disability Transportation Center Grant Opportunities

New Grant Opportunities
Federal Transit Administration announces Rides to Wellness Grant
Female doctor talking with an older male patient
The Rides to Wellness Demonstration Grants are part of a series of activities to support FTA’s Rides to Wellness Program (R2W Program). The R2W Program seeks to address challenges for the transportation disadvantaged in getting access to healthcare, such as getting to the doctor; returning home from a hospital procedure; getting to rehabilitation services; getting to behavioral health services; getting to the pharmacy; and getting to free health screenings.
  • Total Funding Amount Available: $5.3 million
  • Goals: The goals of the larger R2W Program are to increase access to care, improve health outcomes, and reduce healthcare costs.
To support these goals, R2W Demonstration projects will:

  • Develop replicable, innovative, sustainable solutions to healthcare access challenges;
  • Foster local partnerships between health, transportation, home and community based services and other sectors to collaboratively develop and support solutions that increase healthcare access;
  • Demonstrate the impacts of transportation solutions on improved access to healthcare and health outcomes and reduced costs to the healthcare and transportation sectors.

Eligible projects includemobility management; health and transportation provider partnerships; technology; and other actions that drive change.

Eligible applicants include:States, Tribes, and Designated or Direct Recipients for funds under 49 U.S.C. 5307, 5310 or 5311. Applicants must serve as the lead agency of a local consortium that includes stakeholders from the transportation, healthcare, human service or other sectors. Members of this consortium are eligible as subrecipients. Applicants must demonstrate that the proposed project was planned through an inclusive process with the involvement of the transportation, healthcare and human service industries.
Dates and Deadlines:
  • A grants information webinar will be held Wednesday, April 20, 2016at 3:30 p.m. Eastern. Register for the webinar here.
  • The application deadline is Tuesday, May 31, 2016, and applications are accepted on the website.
For More Information: Refer to the Rides to Wellness Demonstration and Innovative Coordinated Access and Mobility Grants program notice or contact Danielle Nelson, FTA Office of Program Management, (202) 366-2160,
Two Additional FTA Grant Programs Announced
The purpose of the Buses and Bus Facilities Competitive Grant Program (Bus Program)is to improve the condition of the nation’s public transportation bus fleets; expand transportation access to employment, educational, and healthcare facilities; and to improve mobility options in rural and urban areas throughout the country.
Total Funding Amount Available:$211 million.
Application Deadline:Friday, May 13, 2016.
Applications are accepted on the website.
For More Information: Contact Sam Snead, FTA Office of Program Management,(202) 366-1089, or
TheLow or No Emission Bus Competitive Grant Program (Low-No Program)supports 1) the transition of the nation’s transit fleet to the lowest polluting and most energy efficient transit vehicle technologies, and 2) the deployment of technologically advanced U.S.-made transit buses.
Total Funding Available:$55 million.
Application Deadline:Friday, May 13, 2016.
Applications are accepted on the website.
For More Information: Contact Tara Clark, FTA Office of Program Management,(202) 366-2623, or

Lead Agencies

Our partners include the following lead agencies: AARP Florida, Alliance for Aging, Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County, Health Foundation of South Florida, Miami-Dade County, Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization, United Way of Miami-Dade, and Urban Health Partnerships.

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uhp- Miami elderly community
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