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March 6, 2020 Comments Closed

Miami-Dade TPO Senior Living Facilities Road Audit

The Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization, one of the lead agencies of the Miami-Dade Age-Friendly Initiative, conducted Senior Living Facilities Road Audit studies in 5 locations in 2019.

The objective of this study is to evaluate traffic safety conditions and recommend improvements around senior living facilities that have been identified as priority locations to minimize the potential for future crash occurrences and severity by recommending improvements. The November 2017 Aging Road Users Strategic Safety Plan, completed by the Miami-Dade County (MDC) Transportation Planning Organization (TPO), revealed that 11% of all crashes in MDC between 2008-2014 occurred within ¼ mile of older adult living centers. With the increasing trend in the overall number of crashes involving 65 and older road users and continuously growing older adult population in the state, the MDC TPO recognizes the need to further investigate road conditions and identify locations to invest in improved safety for older adults.
The MDC TPO analyzed the crash data in the vicinity of over 140 older adult residential living centers and applied a weighted scoring system considering total crashes and crashes involving 65 and older road users within ¼ mile of an older adult living facility. The results of the scoring were a field analysis priority list of assisted living sites. Centers at the top of the priority list were considered “Tier 1” sites. Road Safety Audits (RSAs) were recommended to be conducted at the Tier 1 sites followed by Tier 2 and 3 if resources allow.

The five (5) older adult living centers included under the Tier 1 sites list are:

• Joe Moretti II (240 SW 9th Street, Miami, FL 33130)
• Buenavista Apartments (521 SW 6th Street, Miami, FL 33130) 1
• Hialeah Residence (1280 W 46th Street, Hialeah, FL 33012)
• Vivian Villas (4650 W 12th Avenue, Hialeah, FL 33012) 2
• Jasmine (128 SW 22nd Avenue, Miami, FL 33135)

To view the Miami-Dade TPO Senior Living Facilities Road Audit, please click here.

Lead Agencies

Our partners include the following lead agencies: AARP Florida, Alliance for Aging, Florida Department of Health in Miami-Dade County, Health Foundation of South Florida, Miami-Dade County, Miami-Dade Transportation Planning Organization, United Way of Miami-Dade, and Urban Health Partnerships.

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