United Way of Miami-Dade’s Response Fund grant process targets prioritized, specific tactics that address key objectives in our community and collective impact work. We are continuing this year’s process with RFPs in the Financial Stability and Health impact areas.
- The Financial Stability area is searching for high-quality, innovative programs that can be incorporated with the financial coaching services offered at the United Way Center for Financial Stability (CFS). Programs seeking funding should address one or more of the following categories: employment, small business development, legal, behavioral health, and/or housing. Strong applicants will demonstrate the ability to integrate services with the CFS and be willing to negotiate program design and metrics.
- The Health impact area will have three separate grant opportunities in the following focus areas: Healthy Older Adults, Oral Health and Healthy Lifestyles. The specific focus for the Healthy Older Adults grant is providing older adults or as applicable, caregivers with the following services: nutrition, home-based and community-based support and caregiver respite. The program must serve underserved older adults in one or more of Miami-Dade Commission Districts 1, 2, 3 or 9. The specific focus for the Oral Health grant is to provide clients with the following services: preventive screenings/cleaning and/or restorative treatment, either of which may be complimented by an educational component. The specific focus for the Healthy Lifestyles grant is healthy eating and physical activity. The program must provide services to students in grades K-8. Programs that also reach families of students are encouraged.
The other impact area (Education I [early childhood education]) will undertake a Response Fund grant process at a later date this year.
Application instructionsApplication materials will be accessible on Wednesday, June 1st after 5 pm atunitedwaymiami.org/responsefundapplication.
All applicants must submit application materials by email to [email protected]. If there are documents that cannot be emailed, they must be mailed or hand delivered by July 1, 2016 to United Way of Miami-Dade, Attn: Marilyn Anderson, 3250 Southwest Third Avenue, Miami, Florida 33129. |